Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Goals for Spring Break

My Goals for spring break is to start Sexism in America, the book I'm starting to read for Sociology. I'm thinking I should read at least 100 pages. This book is going to take awhile to read. This project has been pretty great I love reading. The only thing I'm not too keen of is blogging all the time, but I can get over it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 11...finished book.

I finished Nights in Rodanthe in one hour. My TOTAL TIME IS 40.5 HOURS. It turns out that Paul had died in a car crash in Ecuador. During that crash, he saved his son. It was a rough time for Adrienne to overcome, but Paul had helped her become who she was and learned to love. Adrienne's daughter was helped in knowing that her mother had gone through the same thing she had. The End. Tonight I'm getting a book on sociology to read next from the library.

Monday, March 29, 2010

WEEK 11....Nights in Rodanthe

This past weekend I got a new book from the library called Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks. So far I have read 3 hours of the book. TOTAL TIME 39.5 HOURS. A woman named Adrienne was left by her husband for another woman after 16 years of marriage and three children..One weekend Adrienne's friend Jean needed someone to look after her Inn because she was at a wedding and a man named Paul was going to be staying there. But during that time a terrible storm was expected to pass through the town. Adrienne is recalling this story because her daughter lost her husband to cancer and she won't listen to anything she has to say because she lost her husband and loved him. Her mom and dad chose not to work out their problems. Adrienne thought telling her daughter this story may have her realize she lost love too. A little background on Paul. He too was divoriced. He was a surgeon who worked too much and was never around to help raise his son Mark. He hated his father. He moved to Ecuador to help treat medical patients. Paul was planning to go down there for a year to visit him, know him, and work out their problems.
Paul was in surgery one day removing a tumor from a woman. It was a standard procedure. Nothing went wrong, but the woman somehow died. The case went to court, but Paul was proven innocent. One day he got a letter from the woman's husband saying he needed to speak with him in person. After a few months of receiving the letter Paul decides to go where he stays at the Inn Adrienne is watching for her friend Jean.
At the Inn they make small talk, tell each other about their lives, etc. They develope a deep relationship and Adrienne is still depressed from her divorice this is what she needs to help her get over her Ex. Paul talks to the woman who died her husband. He talked about his wife and made Paul feel extremely guilty even though it was not his fault.
They were stuck in the storm for hours talking, drinking wine, and falling in love. In the book they have relations a couple times. But sadly the next day he is leaving for Ecuador. He says he'll stay with her, but she knows he has to go patch things up with his Son, which is what he does.
Paul wrote letters and called her far as I got, we'll see what happens next.

Monday, March 22, 2010


This past weekend i read the Nicholas Sparks book The Wedding in 4.5 hours. TOTAL TIME: 36.5 HOURS. The book is about a man and woman who have been married for 29 years, and he forgot their anniversary. This book is the sequel to The Notebook. Jane his wife is very sad and goes for weeks to visit their son in NYC. He has been a terrible husband and father over the years mostly caring about work and not spending time with their family. Their daughter Anna is going to get married and Jane is so excited to start planning the wedding, but it is a very quick wedding that will take place at her father(Noah)'s home where they grew up as children. Wilson is trying to be a better husband and wants to learn that his wife is still in love with him. They have date nights, midnight banter, and quiet walks. Jane is very busy making plans for the wedding, but since the forgotten anniversary Wilson has been planning a surprise for Jane. Anna is going to get married on their 30th anniversary date. It turns out that the wedding is not for Anna but for Jane and Wilson. He wanted to give her the wedding they never had. It was a very delightful book in which i cried alot as it has happened with all the Nicholas Sparks books I have read.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Week 9...Class We've taken that relates to my Book

I would say the class that I have taken that mostly relates to this movie is Biology/ Anatomy because they are partners for that class and learn the phases of mitosis which we did in that class. Also the learn how his body functions which has to do with anatomy and physiology.

WEEK 9...Post

This week i finished Twilight in 2 hours. My total time is 32 HOURS. During the rest of the book Bella goes to Edward's house and meets his family. They go out during a thunderstorm and play baseball during that time other vampires come out and smell her. The one guy sees Bella as his next challenge to kill. Alice takes Bella to Phoenix to a hotel, but the vampire meets her at the ballet studio she went to as a child. It ends up that she is bitten by him and someone needs to suck the wound. It has to be Edward. He almost is not able to stop so she ends up in the hospital because she almost died from lack of blood. Edward is afraid to be around Bella because he doesn't want to lose control of himself. He tells her is would be better off if they weren't together, but she won't stand for that. She is willing to become a vampire to be with Edward for all eternity.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Week 8...Post

Prom is coming soon to Forks. All the guys have asked her, but she still says no. She doesn't want to go and would rather be with Edward. Bella and Edward go on a secret date planned by him. They end up going hiking and have a delightful time. Bella gets to see what he looks like in the light: his skin looks like diamonds. Edward talks about his hunting experience with his brother Emmett. This week I read half an hour so my total now adds up to 30 HOURS

Week 8...SONG

The mood and theme of Twilight is a love story so the song i chose is I can't help falling in love with you by Elvis Presley. Bella and Edward rush into love before barely knowing each other, but no matter what they do they can't keep their love from growing. They were meant to be together. Bella wants to do anything to be with Edward regardless of the fact that he is a vampire. She would let Edward take her whole life: which may include becoming a vampire.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I've read 1 more hour of Twilight. My reading has slowed down a bit. I've been really busy lately. Not much more has happened with my book. I'm a little over half way done. Bella is finally invited over to Edward's home and meets his family. They all are friendly except Rosalie. She seems to give Bella the death stare everytime she's in sight. They get to know each other alot more like their interests. Edward makes Bella stop asking him the questions, and he gets his turn to ask her some. They realize how strong their love is for each other, and there is no possible way for them to be apart. They are in too deep. Now they've gone public it could end very badly if they break up. TOTAL TIME: 29.5 Hours.